‘Eric Aracil’과 ‘Olivier Darras’

2021.05.01 최고관리자
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CIVR의 ‘Eric Aracil’과 Vinisud Asia의 ‘Olivier Darras’

프랑스 루시옹와인협회(CIVR)의 Export Manager인 에릭 아라실(Eric Aracil)과
중국 상해에서 열리는 와인박람회 Vinisud Asia Director인 올리비에 다라스(Oilivier Darras)와의 double interview 내용을 원문으로 소개합니다.

Eric and Olivier! You are friends and business partners. How long do you know each other? When did begin your friendship?

Eric Aracil
I met Olivier a long time ago for my first organization with VINISUD Montpellier. This means around the year 1998. 
Olivier is a great professional with also a great heart. When he gives you a confirmation for a deal, he’ll do everything to satisfy his client. Anyway, it’s not so obvious to describe a friendship.

Olivier Darras
There is a while that we know each other with Eric. If my memory is still good, I met Eric for my 1st VINISUD in France, when I just joined Adhesion Group in 1998 as salesman.
At this time, I have been impressed by the professionalism of Eric, but it was not the most impressive thing that I noticed in the behavior of Eric. 
The most impressive thing was his 100% implication in the promotion of his region, the Roussillon. 
You know there are some people born to be doctor, born to be politician, there are some people born to give their time to the others. 
Eric is definitely one of these persons, he is born to promote the Roussillon wines, and the Roussillon wines flow into his veins.

I can say that at the beginning our relation was based on a mutual respect between 2 professionals who have only one word given.
No waste of time, things were always very clear, and it was a real pleasure to work together. 
With the time, the trust was more and more important, I would say also a kind of connivance was born. It was not anymore only a business relation. 
When we had some chats together the discussion was not necessarily based on the business. 
Even when I left VINISUD, we still kept in touch without any business relation.

What and how do you work together as business partners?

Eric Aracil
As I explained, I worked a long time with Olivier when he was the director of VINISUD Montpellier.
Later we were in touch when he worked for the SIAL, and since 2011, we have the pleasure to work together for the promotion of the Roussillon Wines in China and now also in South Korea.

It’s always very clear. Like in a friendship relation, each other need to hear and to be open to the other.
So we have the habit to exchange a lot, nearly each day. Sometimes my proposal for an action needs to be corrected, sometimes it’s the opposite. 
In fact we are working like a real team, each one is one of its components, and we are all the time on the same line, with the unique target to push the Roussillon wines over the top.

Olivier Darras
I learnt a lot from Eric about the wines, and especially about the Roussillon wines. And I can say that he transmitted to me his passion of the Roussillon wines.
This is his power, his passion of the Roussillon wines is contagious when you listen him to speak about these wines.
After when you have the chance to taste them, you don’t need to be an expert to understand that they are ones of the highest wines in this World. 
Then it becomes easy to promote them. Then I became a little bit “a little Eric” and I understand what kind of message he wants to deliver to the wine professionals, to the wines lovers, to the wines consumers.  
As we have now the same feeling and the same objective to promote the Roussillon wines in Asia, 
and more specifically in South Korea and China, working together became very easy, we are almost on the same position, or if not, this is not difficult to find an agreement which is acceptable for him and for me.


How was the event “2015 Discovery of Roussillon Wines Tour” in June in Seoul and Busan?

Eric Aracil
It was a very good event. At the beginning we were a little bit afraid, in fact we were not really sure to have chosen the right action,
but we wanted to answer in the best way to a demand of some our professional contacts in South Korea. 
So this event was a challenge! 
We worked a lot and now we can be satisfied with the results: nearly 300 professionals met 12 producers… and the contacts going on the bridge between Roussillon and the South Korea ☺.

Olivier Darras
I think that these 2 events have been successful. Since we started the promotion of the Roussillon wines in South Korea, we had already in our mind these kind of events. 
The 1st year was dedicated to make a general promotion of the vineyard, even if we had some actions to create a contact with the Korean professionals like Daejeon Food & Wine Festival last year, 
the Korean delegation with 3 importers and 3 medias to the vineyard, and the trip to Roussillon for the finalists of the national sommelier competition 2014. 
But this year we wanted definitely to bring more wineries in Korea, to show them the market, 
to show them the high potential of the Korean market, to give them the opportunity to export to Korea. Based on these reasons, I think that these 2 events have been successful. 

Now we would like to help the wine importers to promote the Roussillon wines on their market, to help the wine importers which decided to add Roussillon wines in their portfolio.



Since last year, you are very active in the Korean wine market. How do you think of the Korean wine market? What is your midterm evaluation? Are you successful?

Eric Aracil
Yes indeed! I believe that the South Korean market is one of the best in Asia. For sure the sommellerie is a huge sommellerie! The market is really open and educated to the wine culture. 
The consumers know already what a wine of quality is! So they understand very quickly that in Roussillon we are able to produce a wonderful diversity of wines. 
The Korean professionals and the public seems now to fall in love with our wines ☺.

Olivier Darras
For the history, we had the chance with Eric to come to Korea as judges for a sommelier competition in 2013. It means, one year before to start the promotion of the Roussillon wines by the CIVR. 
This trip to Seoul arrived at the perfect moment to convince Eric about the potential of the Korean wine market, and the possible matching between the Roussillon wines and the wine professionals. 
As besides I had started to speak about the Korean market to Eric during our promotional activity in China started 3 years ago. 
With my previous experience with SIAL, I had had the chance to visit Korea to promote the show, and I can tell you that I have been surprised by a kind of maturity in the Korean wine market:
an important sommellerie, a lot of educated wine consumers, curious wine consumers, wines consumers very attentive on the quality of the wines, wines consumers who like the wines telling a story
and the most important, wine importers, who want to build a real partnership with the wineries… For all these reasons, it was an evidence to bring the Roussillon wines to the Korean professionals. 
And I think that the welcome made by the wine professionals for the Roussillon wines since we started the promotion in 2014 is amazing!
I think that we only started to observe the beginning of a long love story between the Korean wine consumers and the Roussillon wines. 

Eric! We’ve never met a wine professional in the world who works far harder than you. I think it is extra lucky for CIVR that they have you as export manager.
Where do you get your energy for your hard job?

Eric Aracil
Thank you! I’m a bit with shame to answer. I simply try to do my job, living my passion of MY Roussillon. I think I’m brought by the soul of my region. 
The people and the wines produced there need to be supported with no limit… I’m the first Fan ☺.

Eric! I’ve heard that other wine associations in France are envious of CIVR’s success in terms of export. Can you say how the export trend has been in the last years?

Eric Aracil
Ah, this is another thing ☺. Envious, perhaps no, but certainly surprised by our evolving. For sure we are lucky to obtain good or very good data where some ones meet some difficulties.
But we can say that we’re working very hard to make and to show the quality. For a first year of promotion we can be happy with the results. The sells of Roussillon wines are increasing step by step. 
Thanks to events like the “2015 Discovery of Roussillon Tour”, I’m sure the progression will be on the same way.

Olivier! There are some changes for you. Can you expatiate at length on your changes?

Olivier Darras
Yes, you’re right! big changes for me, which will be small changes for the activity. 
I took since the beginning of July all the activities of Adhesion Asia, under my own company Break Events.
I will be the Exclusive Asian representative for Adhesion Group, it means Vinisud, and the WWM. 
And the most important, still the Asian representative for the Roussillon wines.

But small changes for the activity and for the customers, because I will still work with the same enthusiasm than before. 
The only difference will be the name of the company, the men will be still the same.

You told to us that the WWM in Singapore in May was one of the most successful events you’ve ever organized. How was it?

Olivier Darras
First our targets have been reached, and secondly all the participants have been very professional, respecting very carefully their meeting schedule.
It means that they also prepared carefully their meetings’ selection before the event. All the participants were 100% busy during 3 days, we had nothing to do … 
And when it’s boring for the team, it means that the event is successful!

I can tell you also that we registered a lot of direct orders on site, which are definitely a proof of success. 

Both of you tasted the wines as members of the expert jury at the Asia Wine Trophy 2014. How do you think of this wine competition?

Eric Aracil
This wine contest was a very good experiment for me. I found a real international competition, with very high profile for the juries and an amazing organization! 
That's why I advice the wine producers to participate to this contest!

Olivier Darras 
Well organized and great experience for me. I’m always happy to discover new wines, and the diversity of the wines registered in the competition was interesting. 
And I know that a medal can be determinant in the process of selection for an Asian consumer when he buys the wine. 
That’s why this kind of initiative, the organization of a wine competition is important in Asia.
And I hope that the Roussillon wineries will register more wines for the coming competition. 

Olivier! How will be the Vinisud Asia 2015 compared to last year?

Olivier Darras
We are always in reflection on the format which we wish to give to the next VINISUD Asia. Now the competition in Asia became stronger and stronger between the organizers of wine trade shows.
But I still believe that VINISUD with its specific concept has its place in the Asian market. To give us time to choose the right format, we’re not going to organize a VINISUD Asia in 2015. 
But in the meantime, you can enjoy to visit the next VINISUD in France on February 15, 16, 17, 2016. www.vinisud.com. This is the trade fair where you can meet a maximum of Roussillon wineries.

WWM Asia will come back also in 2016, at the end of June in Singapore. www.wwm-asia.com

From my side, I will organize also a wine, beer, and spirits trade show at the beginning of March. More information coming very soon. 

As you can see, the wine events calendar will be still pretty busy for me, even without VINISUD Asia.

Eric! Which wine fair is most important for CIVR? VInisud? Why?

Eric Aracil
Yes, VINISUD remains our main fair, I can say that fair is for one part of our own! 
The soul of the Mediterranean sea is here; it's a fair very affordable, where is possible to talk with the visitors and to do business.

Finally, some words to the wine professionals and lovers in Korea?

Eric Aracil
First of all, thank you very much! We’re very proud to show you what is the Roussillon and its wine production. 
And very glad to share our passion with people so pleasant and also connoisseurs or wine lovers. 
Strong links were created between South Korea and Roussillon… and I hope for a long time!

Olivier Darras
Keep your passion of the wines, and the Roussillon will continue to bring you its most valuable treasures, with the pleasure to share good moments together.



CIVR Eric Aracil
Vinisud Asia Olivier Darras


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